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Using Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise to Your Advantage

aerobic and anaerobic exercise
Using Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise to Your Advantage

Aerobic and anaerobic exercise are two important forms of exercise to study. We categorize aerobic and anaerobic exercise with physiological emphasis on how the body uses oxygen during specific modes of movement. 

If you wish to engage  in a diversity of workouts to meet specific fitness goals, definitely become acquainted with aerobic and anaerobic exercise. Aerobic and anaerobic exercise provide a host of benefits for the mind and body.

Aerobic exercise: longevity, brain health, and convenience 

“Aerobic” comes from the word aero meaning “air.” Aerobic exercise entails movement that uses ample “air” supply. You may recall that going to an aerobics class primarily features long periods of low-intensity exercise. During this, the lungs are given the opportunity to transport oxygen through the muscles in order to sustain them. 

The American Journal of Public Health (AJPH) published an article examining higher longevity rates among aerobic exercise enthusiasts. The study establishes that “every US adult should engage in 30 minutes or more of moderate-intensity physical activity on most, or preferably all, days of the week” to obtain longevity benefits. 

Aerobic exercise is a powerful tool because it’s healing and easy to implement as a lifestyle choice. Once established as a regular habit, aerobic exercise becomes an enjoyable activity that actually strengthens the heart. This is important considering the heart is a muscle that needs to be worked and strengthened along with our other muscles. 

Aerobic exercise also strengthens the brain. A study found that aerobic exercise actually increases brain volume in aging humans. This practically means you grow a bigger brain through aerobic exercise, leading to higher cognition and better mood. 

Consider partaking in the exciting activities below to reap the benefits of aerobic exercise. 


Cycling is often done aerobically. Cycling is an endurance exercise that works the heart and lungs while bringing adequate amounts of oxygen to the muscles. When cycling is done aerobically, heart and breathing rates remain steady allowing oxygen to be pumped through the muscular system. 

Cycling can easily be done for 30 minutes each day. It’s enjoyable, fun in groups, and can be done for going grocery shopping and going out for other nearby necessities.  


Jogging is another excellent way to implement aerobic exercise. Jogging delivers adequate amounts of oxygen to the entire body. It is a popular fitness choice that doesn’t require much skill. Furthermore, when jogging, it’s easy to choose a pace that suits your needs and fitness level. 

Jogging, like cycling, creates space for socializing while working out. It’s excellent to do with friends and family. Try jogging in a natural environment when possible. Jogging in nature increases the brain benefits of aerobic exercise since being in nature heals stress

Martial arts

Martial arts, such as tai chi, karate, and taekwondo,  can easily be included in the aerobic exercise repertoire. Practicing a martial art keeps the heart and lungs working at steady rates.

A martial art is an exceptional way to interact with others while reaping the benefits of aerobic exercise. Also, most martial arts include a meditative, brain-boosting component that perfectly complements aerobic exercise.

Overall, martial arts, jogging, and cycling are amazing forms of aerobic exercise that improve the heart, lungs, and mind while increasing overall longevity. Other activities to consider are swimming, tennis,basketball and other sports. 

Using Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise to Your Advantage

Anaerobic exercise: quick, intense, and muscle-growing 

Though we need both aerobic and anaerobic exercise, science proves why it’s often wise to choose anaerobic. 

Anaerobic exercise is characterized by shorter spurts of more intense exercise. With anaerobic exercise, the muscles need more immediate energy. Thus, oxygen is not used, but instead, glucose. 

Anaerobic exercise is ideal for increasing human growth hormone levels (HGH) in the body. Increased HGH levels are great for muscle growth, fat loss, and even stress reduction.

Anaerobic exercise is best for more seasoned fitness enthusiasts. It often entails intense, fast-paced movement and weight lifting that may be dangerous for someone not used to vigorous forms of movement. 

If you’re interested in adding anaerobic exercise to your fitness routine, read on. Here are some acclaimed forms of anaerobic fitness. 

HIIT (high-intensity interval training)

HIIT training is done in small stretches of high-intensity. There are many versions of this workout that people use. A good example is Tabata training. In Tabata training, an exercise is completed at high-intensity for 20 seconds followed by 10 seconds of rest. As soon as the 10 seconds end, another 20 seconds of exercise is pursued. Approximately 5 to 8 sets of a single exercise are completed before moving on to another exercise.

HIIT training is a great option for anyone wanting to do a short yet highly effective workout. For example, with Tabata, a single exercise takes about 3 to 5 minutes to complete. Completing 4-6 exercises takes approximately 15 to 30 minutes when factoring in a minute of rest between each exercise. 


During a sprint, the muscles are moving very quickly. The lungs and heart don’t have ample time to transport oxygen to the muscles. This is what makes sprinting a form of anaerobic exercise, and a popular one too.

Sprinting is a good option because it doesn’t require equipment. Furthermore, a good place to sprint is usually obtainable. In order to sprint, all you’ll need is a good pair of shoes and a lengthy outdoor space. 

Weight training 

If you want to gain muscle, weight training is ideal. Weight training is the most effective way to gain muscle and burn fat. This doesn’t mean you need to be a bodybuilder, but strength training should be consistent and relatively challenging to be most effective.

Many prefer a gym for weight training, yet there are many exercises that you can complete at home with a simple pair of dumbbells

Choosing between aerobic and anaerobic exercise

Rather than choosing between aerobic and anaerobic exercise, simply recall the benefits of both and decide which to use and when. There is a time to use either form depending on your needs at any given moment. 

Overall, here are a few reasons why you should implement aerobic workouts in which your muscles use oxygen:

  • Aerobic fitness is a gentler way to workout while still obtaining impressive health benefits such as improved lung and cardiovascular health. 
  • It’s easy to socialize and complete daily tasks while completing aerobic exercise simultaneously. Aerobic exercise can be as simple as cycling to the store, jogging with friends, or joining a martial arts class.
  • Studies show how partaking in aerobics improves overall longevity.

And here are a few reasons why you should perform anaerobic exercise:

  • TAlong with neuroenhancement, anaerobic exercise raises human growth hormone (HGH) exponentially which in turn boosts muscle growth and fat-burning potential.
  • Workouts such as HIIT workouts are very time-efficient if you’re needing to do a quick workout.

Remember to include both aerobic and anaerobic exercise into your wellness routine. This will ensure that you reap all of the benefits above.

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